Flood Damaged Woodworking Machinery Fixed by Allwoods

Flood Damaged Woodworking Machinery Fixed by Allwoods

Flood Damaged Woodworking Machinery Fixed by Allwoods

On boxing day 2015 the owner of Button Joinery in Leeds received a phone call from the local emergency services, saying his factory was flooded.  When he arrived at his factory he could not believe the extent of the flood, the building was under two metres of water, covering all his machinery which included two of our Interwood Model HOP Presses that we originally supplied him.

In January Richard Button finally contacted us asking if we could help.  At the time we had two new Interwood presses in stock, Richard decided to purchase one new machine, to get his business back up and running, and asked us if we could repair the two water damaged presses.

We arranged transportation and brought the presses to our factory in Maldon Essex and got to work stripping them down completely.

moving industrial size machinery

Forklift Truck Lifting Heavy Machinery

All the hydraulics valves where removed, stripped down, cleaned and all O rings replaced.  Hydraulic cylinders and piston rods were removed and cleaned.  The hydraulics were fitted back into the machine and the system filled with new hydraulic oil.

Interwood Press Repair

The main platens were also removed and cleaned, and the insulating boards replaced and new Mylar film fitted.

The heating system was drained of oil, all heating elements removed and heat exchanger removed and cleaned, this was then reassembled with new heating elements and refilled with new heating oil.

Every electrical component had to be replaced as the water level had completely covered the machine.


The heating pump motor and the hydraulic motor was sent away to be refurbished by a specialist electrical rewind company. 

removal of workings from press

Once the first machine was fixed, we made arrangements to ship it back to Button Joinery, then got busy with their next water damaged press.

If your machinery has suffered flood damage, then why not give us a call

If you have suffered damage to woodworking machinery because of flooding or a water leak, please do not hesitate contacting us.  A complete strip down and refurbishment is often far cheaper than having to replace the machinery altogether.